
Peter Cameron's coauthors


Here is a list of people with whom I have written or edited a book or paper. Nine of them are included in the pseudonym "W. E. Opencomb" under which the paper "On the intricacy of combinatorial construction problems" Discrete Math. 50 (1984), 71-97, was written; for six of the nine, this is my only joint work with them.

My present or former students are starred. The number of joint papers is in parentheses.

The list includes those for which the work has been published or accepted for publication. The total reached 250 on 19 July 2024. A full list of my publications is here, while a list of joint papers by coauthor is here, and a list of coauthors by date of our first joint paper is here. (There is a slight glitch here, in that the gap between acceptance and publication can vary between essentially zero and several years.)

  1. G. Aalipour (1)
  2. B. Adam-Day (1)
  3. M. V. Ajith (1)
  4. S. Akbari (1)
  5. P. P. Alejandro
    = P. A. Kazanidis (2)
  6. M. Aljohani* (1)
  7. M. Anagnostopoulou-Merkouri (2)
  8. J. André (1)
  9. R. Applegate* (1)
  10. J. Araújo (18)
  11. J. P. Araújo (3)
  12. G. Arun Kumar (2)
  13. L. Babai (4)
  14. R. A. Bailey (22)
  15. R. F. Bailey* (2)
  16. J. Bamberg (1)
  17. E. E. Bannai (1)
  18. L. W. Beineke (1)
  19. J. P. Bell (1)
  20. E. A. Bender (2)
  21. W. Bentz (7)
  22. A. Beutelspacher (1)
  23. P. Bhowal (2)
  24. S. Biswas (1)
  25. C. Bleak (2)
  26. A. Blokhuis (1)
  27. B. Bodor (1)
  28. A. Bohn (2)
  29. A. Bonato (2)
  30. D. Bradley-Williams (1)
  31. J. N. Bray (1)
  32. T. Britz* (1)
  33. A. E. Brouwer (1)
  34. J. M. Browning (1)
  35. C. Buchheim (1)
  36. C. Budd (1)
  37. F. Buekenhout (1)
  38. F. C. Bussemaker (1)
  39. Q. Cai (1)
  40. A. R. Calderbank (1)
  41. N. J. Calkin (1)
  42. J. J. Cannon (1)
  43. Ph. Cara (1)
  44. C. Casolo (2)
  45. A. Castillo-Ramirez (1)
  46. T. Tamizh Chelvam (5)
  47. A. G. Chetwynd (2)
  48. J. Cilleruelo (1)
  49. S. Cioabă (1)
  50. A. M. Cohen (1)
  51. R. Connelly (1)
  52. S. Cooter (1)
  53. D. Craven (1)
  54. A. N. Dang (1)
  55. A. Das (2)
  56. D. E. Daykin (1)
  57. D. Delić (2)
  58. P. Delsarte (1)
  59. R. H. F. Denniston (1)
  60. A. W. Dent (1)
  61. H, K. Dey (2)
  62. M. Deza (6)
  63. P. Dobcsányi (2)
  64. T. Dobson (1)
  65. H. R. Dorbidi (1)
  66. D. A. Drake (1)
  67. J. East (1)
  68. S. Eberhard (1)
  69. D. Ellis (1)
  70. P. Erdős (2)
  71. B. Fairbairn (2)
  72. M. E. Fernandes (3)
  73. D. Ferreira (1)
  74. S. Ferreira (1)
  75. K. Filipiak (1)
  76. P. H. Fisher (1)
  77. D. FitzGerald (1)
  78. D. G. Fon-Der-Flaass (2)
  79. P. Frankl (3)
  80. S. D. Freedman (1)
  81. M. Gadouleau (6)
  82. T. Gateva-Ivanova (1)
  83. A. L. Gavrilyuk (1)
  84. D. Gewurz (1)
  85. D. Ghinelli (1)
  86. S. Ghosh (1)
  87. M. Giudici* (2)
  88. J.-M. Goethals (4)
  89. S. V. Goryainov (1)
  90. H. Guerra (1)
  91. W. H. Haemers (1)
  92. J. I. Hall (2)
  93. S. Harper (1)
  94. A. J. W. Hilton (2)
  95. A. Herman (1)
  96. J. W. P. Hirschfeld (1)
  97. W. A. Hodges (1)
  98. F. C. Holroyd (1)
  99. J. Hubička (1)
  100. D. R. Hughes (2)
  101. A. Hulpke (1)
  102. N. Iyudu (1)
  103. B. Jackson (1)
  104. S. H. Jafari (1)
  105. F. E. Jannat (1)
  106. D. Johannsen (1)
  107. C. R. Johnson (1)
  108. K. W. Johnson (1)
  109. G. A. Jones (1)
  110. Š. Jurina (1)
  111. J. Kahn (1)
  112. M. Kang (1)
  113. W. M. Kantor (6)
  114. T. Kataoka (1)
  115. S. A. Kathirvel (1)
  116. T. Kavaskar (1)
  117. K. K. Kayibi (1)
  118. M. Kinyon (2)
  119. M. Kiyota (2)
  120. M. H. Klin (1)
  121. N. Knarr (1)
  122. M. Konečný (1)
  123. J. Konieczny (1)
  124. G. Korchmàros (1)
  125. L. G. Kovács (1)
  126. C. Krattenthaler (2)
  127. C. Y. Ku* (1)
  128. A. Kumar (2)
  129. J. Kunert (1)
  130. J. Kusuma* (1)
  131. B. Kuzma (1)
  132. C. Laflamme (1)
  133. A. Lakshmanan S (1)
  134. E. W. H. Lee (1)
  135. D. Leemans (4)
  136. R. A. Liebler (1)
  137. J. H. van Lint (5)
  138. D. Lockett* (1)
  139. P. Lopes (1)
  140. A. Lucchini (1)
  141. X. Ma (1)
  142. H. D. Macpherson* (1)
  143. H. R. Maimani (1)
  144. Y. Maissel (1)
  145. S. Majid (1)
  146. P. Manna (2)
  147. A. Markiewicz (1)
  148. C. Martins* (1)
  149. D. Marušič (1)
  150. N. Maslova (1)
  151. J. H. Mason (1)
  152. F. Matucci (2)
  153. F. Mazzocca (2)
  154. R. Mehatari (2)
  155. Y. Meissel (1)
  156. F. Merola (1)
  157. R. Meshulam (1)
  158. J. Mitchell (4)
  159. M. Mixer (2)
  160. A. Montanaro (1)
  161. J. P. Morgan (2)
  162. K. Morgan (1)
  163. Peter Müller (1)
  164. T. W. Müller (4)
  165. R. K. Nath (4)
  166. A. Navas (1)
  167. R. Nelson (1)
  168. J. Nešetřil (1)
  169. P. M. Neumann (3)
  170. M. Neunhöffer (1)
  171. M. F. Newman (1)
  172. M. W. Newman (1)
  173. R. Nikandish (1)
  174. T. Nilson (2)
  175. L. A. Nowitz (1)
  176. C. Nunes (1)
  177. A. M. Odlyzko (1)
  178. F. Olukoya (2)
  179. G. R. Omidi (2)
  180. P. P. Pálfy (1)
  181. A. Pasini (1)
  182. S. E. Payne (1)
  183. L. Pebody (1)
  184. Y. Peresse (1)
  185. V. Phan (1)
  186. M. Pouzet (1)
  187. C. E. Praeger (11)
  188. R. Ravindra Prathap (1)
  189. D. A. Preece (2)
  190. T. Prellberg (4)
  191. C. Quadrelli (1)
  192. T. Quinn-Gregson (1)
  193. J. Raminhos (1)
  194. W. Raynaud (1)
  195. L. B. Richmond (2)
  196. S. Riis (3)
  197. C. M. Roney-Dougal (2)
  198. C. A. Rowley (1)
  199. G. F. Royle (2)
  200. J. Rudd* (1)
  201. A. Rudvalis (1)
  202. B. Sambale (3)
  203. J. Saxl (4)
  204. A. Schaefer* (1)
  205. Cs. Schneider (1)
  206. P. Schweitzer (1)
  207. J. J. Seidel (7)
  208. G. M. Seitz (1)
  209. L. Selvaganesh (3)
  210. J. Semeraro (1)
  211. O. Serra (1)
  212. S. Severini (1)
  213. R. Sharafdini (1)
  214. F. Shaveisi (1)
  215. J. Sheehan (1)
  216. E. E. Shult (1)
  217. N. M. Singhi (2)
  218. L. H. Soicher (4)
  219. P. Solé (1)
  220. R. Solomon (1)
  221. D. Spiegelhalter (1)
  222. P. Spiga* (5)
  223. T. A. Springer (1)
  224. D. Stark (5)
  225. B. Steinberg (1)
  226. E. Suleiman (1)
  227. M. S. Sunitha (1)
  228. V. V. Swathi (1)
  229. Cs. Szabó (2)
  230. S. Tarzi* (3)
  231. B. Tayfeh-Rezaie (2)
  232. D. E. Taylor (1)
  233. D. N. Teague* (1)
  234. J. A. Thas (2)
  235. S. R. Thomas (1)
  236. S. Thomassé (1)
  237. H. C. A. van Tilborg (2)
  238. S. V. Tsaranov (2)
  239. A. Turull (1)
  240. E. R. Vaughan* (1)
  241. A. M. Vershik (1)
  242. I. M. Wanless (2)
  243. J. J. Watkins (1)
  244. B. S. Webb (2)
  245. A. L. Wells Jr.* (1)
  246. D. B. West (1)
  247. E. R. Williams (1)
  248. R. J. Wilson (1)
  249. A. Winter (1)
  250. D. R. Woodall (1)
  251. R. E. Woodrow (1)
  252. N. C. Wormald (1)
  253. T. Wu* (4)
  254. Y. Wu (1)
  255. H. Zhang (1)

The arXiv and other repositories

I am of the opinion that formal publication in a mathematics journal is no longer the only output channel for mathematicians. Repositories such as the arXiv should also be considered.

Here is a list of my co-authors with whom I have papers freely available on the arXiv or other repositories. In some cases these have been submitted for publication, and if they are published then the lists will then be modified accordingly. The list below has links to at least one paper with each author.

  1. V. Arvind
  2. J. Belk
  3. S. Biswas
  4. P. Bonizzoni
  5. A. Cakiroglu
  6. R. Chakraborty
  7. G. Della Vedova
  8. C. del Valle
  9. R. Ganeshbabu
  10. C. A. Glass
  11. V. Joshi
  12. M. Kagan
  13. N. Khandekar
  14. A. Leporati
  15. G. Mauri
  16. D. Nongsiang
  17. K. Rekvényi
  18. R. U. Schumacher
  19. L. Stott
  20. V. Yildiz

My total number of coauthors including papers on the arXiv as well as published papers reached 250 on 9 August 2022. (Marina Anagnostopoulou-Merkouri was number 250.)

Erdős number

My Erdős number is 1. See the homepage of the Erdős Number Project for more information.

The rules for Erdős number require that the collaboration involves writing a research publication; editing, writing expository articles, or writing obituaries do not count. On this basis, I believe that all my co-authors have collaborations with me that qualify except possibly for L. W. Beineke, C. Budd, S. Cooter, J. W. P. Hirschfeld, D. Spiegelhalter, D. B. West and R. J. Wilson. (The papers with F. Buekenhout and R. Connelly, though mostly expository, do include new research.) The Erdős numbers of four of these people (Beineke, Hirschfeld, West and Wilson) are not affected; their "Cameron numbers" (computed by the Erdős number rules) are 3, 2, 2 and 2 respectively (i.e. a shortest path passes through Paul Erdős in each case). Chris Budd has Erdős number 4 and David Spiegelhalter 3; both have "Cameron number" 4. Stephen Cooter is not a mathematician.

Peter J. Cameron
8 August 2024