This page contains only the screen versions of talks. Instructions at the foot
of the page explain how to create a printer version if you want one.
Most of these are talks at conferences or research seminars.
I have highlighted in red talks which
were designed for a more general audience (usually non-mathematicians,
non-specialists, undergraduates, or high school students).
- Six views of discrete mathematics through the window of the Shrikhande graph, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics,
CUSAT, Kochi, June 2025
- Permutation groups, partitions, and the Krasner–Kaloujnine theorem, St Andrews Research Day, 23 January 2025:
- The ADE affair, Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Tezpur University, 2 January 2025
- Designs on strongly regular graphs (with R. A. Bailey),
Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, 26 November 2024:
- The ADE affair, Combinatorics, Probability and Representation theory seminar,
IIT Madras, 20 November 2024
- Recognising the commuting graph, CIRCA seminar, 14 November 2024
- The ADE affair, talk to St Andrews University Mathematics Society, 5 November 2024
- Finding the jewel in the lotus, Rutgers Experimental Mathematics seminar, 31 October 2024:
- Permutation groups, lattices, and block structures (with R. A. Bailey),
Ural Workshop on Group Theory and Combinatorics, 29 October 2024
- Permutation groups, lattices, and block structures (with R. A. Bailey), St Andrews Algebra and
Combinatorics Seminar, 17 October 2024:
- Filters, topologies and permutation groups, MAC30, Leeds, 9 October 2024:
- Graphs associated with groups, Vellore Institute of Technology, 3 October 2024:
- Sudoku and mathematics, Richard and Louise Guy lecture, Calgary, 26 September 2024:
- Graphs defined on groups, Joint UMI/AMS meeting, Palermo, 24 July 2024:
- The ADE affair, Kerala Mathematical Association, India, 6 July 2024
- A new look at theorems of Cauchy and Cayley, British Combinatorial Conference, London, 5 July 2024
- The ADE affair, International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, Amarante, Portugal, 24 June 2024
- Complete mappings for semigroups, British Mathematical Colloquium, Manchester, 17 June 2024
- Inverse Cauchy and Cayley for groups and semigroups, Semigroups Day V, 14 June 2024
- Beautiful graphs from simple groups, Combinatorial Configurations and their Applications, Central Ukrainian National
Technical University, 13 June 2024.
- An algebraist looks at discrete mathematics, ADMA colloquum lecture, 18 May 2024: slides
- Inverse group theory, Ischia group theory conference, 8-13 April 2024: slides
- Simon Norton lecture at LIMS, 12 February 2024: slides
- Simon Norton: A monstrous talent, SUMS lunchtime talk, St Andrews, 23 January 2024
- Covers of sets of groups, St Andrews Algebra and Combinatorics seminar, 18 January 2024:
- Ordering groups by element orders, St Andrews Research Day, 1 December 2023
- When is the commuting graph split or threshold? CIRCA talk, 30 November 2023
- Complete mappings of semigroups, St Andrews Semigroups Day 3, 25 October 2023
- Graphs and networks, online talk in Nicosia, 16 October 2023
- What can graphs and algebraic structures say to each other? Urals Seminar on Group Theory and
Combinatorics, 23 August 2023: slides
- Sylvester designs, MCW28, Prague, 31 July 2023: slides
- Permutation groups and transformation semigroups, Theoretical and Computational Algebra,
Pocinho, Portugal, 2-7 July 2023: Lecture 1,
Lecture 2, Lecture 3
- Graphs on groups and rings, and maybe YBE solutions, Groups, Rings and the Yang–Baxter equation,
Blankenberge, Belgium, 21 June 2023: slides
- The ADE affair, International Conference on Contemporary Research in
Mathematics (ICCRM), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, 27 February 2023
- Regular polytopes of high rank for symmetric groups, St Andrews Pure
Mathematics Colloquium, 9 February 2023:
- What can graphs and algebraic structures say to each other?
International Conference on Recent Advances in Graph Theory and Allied Areas,
Thrissur, Kerala, India, 4 February 2023:
- Finding the jewel in the lotus, CIRCA lunchtime talk, 26 January 2023:
- Graphs defined on groups, Indian Mathematical Society session on Graphs
related to Algebraic and Ordered Structures, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India,
27-30 December 2022; my talk 29 December, 10:30:
- Graphs defined on groups, International Conference on Combinatorics,
Cryptography, Computer Science and Computation, IUST, Tehran, Iran, 16
November 2022: slides
- The ADE affair,
seminar, UBI, Covilhã, Portugal, 17 October 2022:
- Graphs on groups, York algebra seminar, 30 September 2022:
- Resistance distance and resistance distance transform, CCGTA, Deerfield
Beach, FL, USA, 15 August 2022:
- Graphs defined on groups, GEARS, Edinburgh, 9 August 2022:
- Fifty years around Jan: Some history and some mathematics,
Talk at Saxl Day, 22 July 2022: slides
- Finding geometries in the power graphs of simple groups, talk at BCC,
Lancaster, 12 July 2022: slides
- Graphs on groups, Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, London,
8 July 2022: slides
- Classes of groups defined by graphs, talk at Florence Group Theory
conference, 1 July 2022: slides
- Synchronization: from automata to weakly perfect graphs, talk at AlCoVE
(Algebraic Combinatorics Virtual Exploration), 06 June 2022:
- Graphs on groups and their relations, talk at ICADM, Pune, 27 May 2022:
- Conjugacy class graphs on groups, St Andrews Combinatorics Day, 24 May
2022: slides
- Complete mappings of finite semigroups, AMS spring meeting, Denver, 14
May 2022: slides
- Networks, random walks and statistical optimality,
talk at CUTN, 25 April 2022: slides
- A bridge between algebra and combinatorics, Peter Neumann
memorial meeting, Oxford, 9 April 2022: slides
- Super graphs on groups, 6AGT, Novosibirsk, 24 March 2022:
- Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing,
Boca Raton, 9 and 10 March 2022:
- The geometry of diagonal groups,
- Graphs defined on groups,
- Running a research discussion in south India,
SUMS lunchtime talk, 17 February 2022: slides
- Graphs defined on groups, Algebraic Graph Theory International Webinar,
7 December 2021: slides
- Generalisations of EPPO groups using graphs, Ural Seminar on Group Theory
and Combinatorics, 23 November 2021: slides
- Generalisations of EPPO groups using graphs, St Andrews Algebra and
Combinatorics Seminar, 10 November 2021: slides
- Synchronizing automata, de Bruijn graphs, and applications, Advances in
Mathematics towards Industrial Applications, Chennai, India, 29 October 2021:
- A hierarchy of graphs defined on groups (Combinatorics Today series),
Bandung, Indonesia, 22 October 2021
- International Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Tirunelveli, India,
7 and 12 October 2021:
- Johannesburg Graph Theory School, 4 October 2021:
- The geometry of diagonal groups, seminar at KTH, Stockholm, 22 September 2021
- Progress resulting from RDGG, Research discussion on graphs and groups,
CUSAT, Kochi, India, 11 August 2021:
- Synchronization and semigroups, graphs and groups, G2S2, Sochi, Russia,
9 August 2021:
- Conversations between graphs and groups, ENSPM80, Lisbon, 14 July 2021:
- The diagonal semilattice and the diagonal graph, minisymposium at BCC,
Durham, 6 July 2021:
- Graphs defined on groups, Intensive Course at LTCC, 8-9 June 2021:
- Graphs defined on groups, London Combinatorics Colloquia, 12 May 2021:
- Graphs defined on groups, Research discussion on graphs and groups,
CUSAT, Kochi, India, 24 and 25 March 2021:
- The geometry of diagonal groups, UEA Pure Mathematics Seminar, 22 March
- The Gruenberg–Kegel graph and graphs defined on groups, 4th workshop on Algebraic Graph Theory and Applications, Novosibirsk, 4 March 2021:
- Integrals of groups, 13th Iranian International Conference on Group Theory, Urmia, 28 January 2021: slides
- From automata to permutation groups, ICNTDM, Kochi, India, 12 December
- Graphs on groups: old and new connections, Ural Seminar on Group Theory and Combinatorics, Yekaterinburg, 8 December 2020:
- Diagonal graphs and the Hall–Paige conjecture, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Combinatorics Seminar, 2 December 2020
- Graphs defined on groups, International Conference on Algebraic Graph Theory and Applications, Presidency University, Kolkata, India, 22 November 2020:
- The geometry of diagonal groups, St Andrews Pure Mathematics colloquium, 12 November 2020 (with R. A. Bailey)
- Graphs defined on groups, 3rd Workshop on Algebraic Graph Theory and its Applications, Novosibirsk, Russia, 7 November 2020
- The geometry of diagonal groups, Glasgow algebra seminar, 28 October 2020
- Graphs defined on groups, St Andrews algebra seminar, 21 October 2020:
- The geometry of diagonal groups, Bristol algebra seminar (virtual), 7 October 2020
- From de Bruijn graphs to automorphisms of the shift, Ural Workshop on
Group Theory and Combinatorics (virtual), 28 August 2020:
- Lockdown theorem, MCW, Prague, 3 August 2020
- The geometry of diagonal groups, UWA Groups and Combinatorics seminar
(virtual), 22 May 2020:
- Synchronization, diagonal structures, and the Hall--Paige conjecture,
Rocky Mountain Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar (virtual), 24 April 2020:
- Synchronization, Università di Firenze, 12 February 2020:
- Finite permutation groups: applications to transformation semigroups and synchronization, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 10 January 2020:
- Finite permutation groups: the landscape post-CFSG, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 9 January 2020: slides
- Diagonal groups, synchronization, and association schemes, London Algebra Colloquium, Imperial College, 28 November 2019:
- Growth rates and orbit algebras for oligomorphic permutation groups, Logic seminar, Imperial College, 27 November 2019:
- Growth rates for oligomorphic groups, A&C seminar, 9 October 2019:
- AS-free permutation groups, CIRCA seminar, 26 September 2019
- Short course on Laplacian eigenvalues and optimality (with R. A.
Bailey), G2D2, Yichang, China, 13-17 August 2019:
- Four precious jewels, short course at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
China, 6-7 August 2019:
- Hall–Paige and synchronization, British Combinatorial Conference,
Birmingham, 30 July 2019:
- Problems around groups and semigroups, LMS Undergraduate Summer School,
Leeds, 23 July 2019:
- The random graph,
LMS Undergraduate Summer School, Leeds, 25 July 2019:
- Latin squares, Sutton Trust summer school, St Andrews, 3 July 2019:
- Diagonal association schemes, St Andrews Algebra/Combinatorics seminar,
15 May 2019
- Four precious jewels, Virtual Combinatorics Colloquium, Northeast
Combinatorics Network, 25 April 2019:
- The random graph, Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, 29 March 2019
- Synchronization, MIT Combinatorics Seminar, Cambridge, MA, 20 March
- The ADE affair, SUMS lunchtime talk, St Andrews, 18 February 2019
- The Hall–Paige conjecture and an application, St Andrews Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, 30 January 2019:
- The Hall–Paige conjecture, St Andrews Research Day, 24 January
- Synchronization update, CMS Winter Meeting (special session for Robert
Woodrow), Vancouver, Canada, 7 December 2018:
- Permutation groups and regular semigroups, Queen Mary Algebra Seminar,
London, 3 December 2018
- Trees, cycles and chocolate bars, Queen Mary Combinatorics Study Group,
London, 30 November 2018
- Equitable partitions of Latin square graphs, Old Codgers Combinatorics
Meeting, Reading, 7 November 2018
- The ADE affair, lecture to students, SUSTech, Shenzhen, China, 15 October 2018
- Integrals of groups, Group Actions and Transitive Graphs, Shenzhen, China, 12 October 2018:
- The existential transversal property, Combinatorics seminar, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 8 October 2018
- Synchronization and separation in the Johnson scheme, Combinatorics seminar, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 4 October 2018
- Oligomorphic groups and their orbit algebras, From Permutation Groups
to Model Theory, Edinburgh, 17-21 September 2018:
- Graphs, groups and semigroups, 8th Cracow Graph Theory Conference,
Rytro, Poland, 10-14 September 2017:
- Group theory problems from semigroups and automata, Groups, Geometry
and Representations, Oxford, 3-7 September 2018:
- Jordan schemes: relaxing associativity, keeping symmetry, Linstat,
Będlewo, Poland, 20-24 August 2018:
- Association schemes, graph homomorphisms, and synchronization,
Symmetry vs Regularity, Pilsen, 2-6 July 2018:
- Equitable partitions of Latin square graphs, Scottish Combinatorics
Meeting, 27 April 2018:
- Inverse group theory, CIRCA lunch, 12 April 2018:
- The ADE affair, CEMAT Algebra Seminar, Lisbon, 23 March 2018
- The commutative law,
Venn Lecture, University of Hull, 8 March 2018:
- Reed-Muller codes and Thomas' conjecture, Alg and Comb seminar,
St Andrews, 7 February 2018: notes
- Equitable partitions of Latin square graphs, Research Day, St Andrews,
23 January 2018:
- The ADE affair, PhD seminar, Central European University, Budapest,
17 January 2018
- Permutation groups in semigroup theory, Rényi Institute,
Budapest, 15 January 2018
- Equitable partitions of Latin square graphs, QMUL Combinatorics Study
Group, 12 January 2018: notes
- Synchronization and separation in the Johnson schemes, Bannai–Ito
Theory workshop, Hangzhou, 23–26 November 2017:
- De Bruijn graphs and their foldings, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
November 2017: slides
- Applications of permutation groups to transformation semigroups, short
course at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, November 2017:
- Reciprocal polynomials, CIRCA lunch, 12 October 2017:
- Permutation groups: introduction and applications to semigroups,
Marienheide, 18-22 September 2017:
- Perchance to dream …, All kinds of mathematics remind me of you,
Lisbon, 24-28 July 2017:
- Synchronization, association schemes and Steiner systems, British Combinatorial Conference, Strathclyde, 3-7 July 2017:
- Eigenvalues and root systems in finite geometries, Finite Geometry
summer school, Brighton, 26-27 June 2017: notes
- Sum-free sets, Topological dynamics, functional equations, infinite
combinatorics and probability, London, 12-14 June 2017:
- Regular semigroups and the existential transversal property, Groups,
Generalisations and Applications, St Andrews, 4 May 2017:
- Sum-free sets, Additive Combinatorics reading group, 19 April 2017:
- Cap-sets, Additive Combinatorics reading group, 12 April 2017
- Permutation groups and transformation semigroups (PhD course),
Vienna, 20-24 March 2017: notes
- The ADE affair, informal colloquium, University of Vienna, 22 March 2017:
- The random graph, departmental colloquium, University of Vienna, 22
March 2017: slides
- Combining the cycle index and the Tutte polynomial? Combinatorics
seminar, Technical University Vienna, 21 March 2017:
- Derangements, CIRCA lunchtime talk, 26 January 2017:
- Mathematics with and without CFSG,
Prospects in Mathematics, York,
17 December 2016
- Some of my favourite problems, Old Codgers Combinatorics Meeting,
Reading, 2 November 2016:
- Power graph, commuting graph, and all that, MUSIC (Monash-UWA Symposium
in Combinatorics), University of Western Australia, 28 September 2016:
- Idempotent generation and road closures, Algebra/Combinatorics seminar,
University of Western Australia, 23 September 2016:
- The random graph and its friends, departmental colloquium, University
of Western Australia, 15 September 2016
- Mathematics with and without CFSG,
Young Researchers in Mathematics, St Andrews, 1 August 2016:
- Cryptography: How safe are your secrets? International Science Summer
School, St Andrews, 12 July 2016
- Combinatorial problems from synchronization theory, 3rd Istanbul Design Theory,
Graph Theory and Combinatorics Workshop, Istabul, 13 June 2016
- Secret codes, How the Light Gets In, Hay-on-Wye, 3 June 2016:
- Road colouring and road closures: synchronization and idempotent generation, Groups & their Applications, Bristol, 1 June 2016:
- Combinatorics of transformation semigroups and synchronization, New Directions in Combinatorics, Singapore, 23 May 2016:
- Synchronization, graph endomorphisms and permutation groups, Theoretical and computational discrete mathematics, Derby, 22 March 2016
- Idempotent generation and road closures, CIRCA/Algebra seminar, St Andrews, 9 March 2016: slides
- Summary, Discrete Mathematics and Big Data symposium, St Andrews,
17 February 2016:
- Trees, cycles and chocolate bars, St Andrews research day, 11 January
2016: summary
- Beyond matroids? Permutation group bases and boolean representable
complexes, Conference in honour of Geoff Whittle, Wellington, 14-16 December
- Four precious jewels, 39th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial
Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, University of Queensland, 7
December 2015:
- The amazing random graph, talk to QM Mathsoc, 19 November 2015
- From school mathematics to mathematics, seminar at University of
Hertfordshire, 18 November 2015
- Synchronizing groups, CEMAT Universidade de Lisboa, 11 November 2015
- Paradox, Colegio Planalto, Lisboa, 11 November 2015
- Regular polytopes with symmetric and alternating groups, CEMAT seminar,
Universidade de Lisboa, 23 Octber 2015:
- The random graph, seminar at Universidade de Aveiro, 14 October 2015
- Donald at Queen Mary: climbing walls and PLRs,
Donald Preece memorial day, Queen Mary, University of London, 17 September 2015:
- Numerical and graphical invariants of finite groups, Asymptotic
group theory, Budapest, 17-21 August 2015:
- Tutte polynomial and orbit-counting, New directions for the Tutte
polynomial, Royal Holloway, University of London, 11 July 2015:
- Remembering Donald Preece, 25th British Combinatorial Conference,
University of Warwick, 6 July 2015:
- Permutation patterns as ages of relational structures,
Permutation Patterns, De Morgan House, London, 18 June 2015:
- Synchronization, endomorphisms and butterflies, Scottish Combinatorics
Conference, University of Glasgow, 30 April 2015
- Finding where you are: automata, graph endomorphisms and foldings,
NBSAN, St Andrews, 23 April 2015:
- Breaking boundaries between topology, geometry and
analysis, University of Sussex, 15-16 April 2015:
- The ADE affair (slides),
- Thompson groups, Cantor space, and foldings of de Bruijn graphs
- Orbital combinatorics, Postgraduate Combinatorics Conference,
Queen Mary, University of London, 14 April 2015:
- Chains of subsemigroups, Algebra seminar, University of Aberdeen,
26 February 2015: slides
- Synchronization, Pure Maths colloquium, University of Edinburgh,
10 February 2015
- Synchronization and butterflies, talk at CIRCA lunch, 5 February,
- Automorphic loops, St Andrews Research Day, 20 January 2015
- Synchronization and endomorphisms, Workshop on Algebraic and
Model-Theoretic Methods in Constraint Satisfaction, BIRS, Banff:
Synchronization, 24 November 2014 (slides,
Graphs and transformation monoids, 25 November 2014 (slides,
The almost synchronizing conjecture, 26 November 2014 (slides,
- Regular polytopes, Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, St Andrews,
19 November 2014
- Acyclic orientations and poly-Bernoulli numbers, Bristol Combinatorics
Seminar, 6 November 2014
- Regular polytopes, Old Codgers Combinatorics Meeting, Reading,
5 November 2014: slides
- Regular polytopes, QM Combinatorics Study Group, 4 November 2014
- Hadamard matrices, Maths Study Group, South Bank University,
8 October 2014: slides
- Paradox, Queen Mary Math Soc, 7 October 2014
- The random graph, Department of Mathematics Colloquium, Auckland,
18 September 2014
- Acyclic orientations, Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, Auckland,
27 August 2014
- Automorphisms of hypergraphs and switching classes, MCW, Prague,
28 July 2014: extended abstract
- Talks at Workshop on Computational Algebra, July 2014:
Lists of exceptions, 21 July 2014 (slides),
Testing synchronization, 23 July 2014 (slides)
- The random graph, Colloquium at Coimbra, 17 July 2014 (no slides)
- The random graph, Portuguese Mathematical Society, Caparica,
14 July 2014: slides
- Endomorphisms and synchronization, Godsil 65, Waterloo, 25 June 2014:
- Measuring triangle-free graphs, Vershik 80, St Petersburg, 14 June 2014:
- Two-graphs revisited, Villanova conference, 2 June 2014:
- The infinite quest,
How the Light Gets In, Hay-on-Wye, 30 May 2014
(videos here):
- 1, From the Greeks to the geeks
- 2, Is the Universe infinite?
- 3, Cantor's paradise
- Paradox lost,
How the Light Gets In, Hay-on-Wye, 29 May 2014:
- Parties, permutations and diagrams,
Flanders Mathematical Olympiad prizegiving, 21 May 2014:
- The random graph, colloquium talk at KU Leuven, 20 May 2014: no slides
- Combinatorial problems from transformation semigroups (the Norman Biggs
Lecture), Combinatorics Colloquium, LSE, 15 May 2014:
- Permutation groups and transformation semigroups, Bristol Algebra Day,
22 April 2014 (no slides)
- Synchronization, Seminar at Leeds, 2 April 2014 (no slides)
- Entropy, partitions, groups and association schemes, 1, CIRCA/Algebra
seminar, St Andrews, 26 February 2014:
- The random graph, St Andrews Mathematics Society, 5 February 2014 (no
- Poly-Bernoulli numbers and acyclic orientations, CIRCA/Algebra seminar,
St Andrews, 29 January 2014 (no slides)
- Acyclic orientations, Graphs and Probability workshop, Eindhoven,
6 January 2014:
- Combinatorial Yang-Baxter, Workshop on Combinatorial Physics, Cardiff,
16 December 2013:
- Acyclic orientations and poly-Bernoulli numbers, QM CSG, 13 December
2013: notes
- The random graph and its relations, Oxford Invariants, 26 November
2013 (no slides)
- Combinatorial Yang-Baxter, QM CSG, 25 October 2013 (no slides)
- Primitivity and rigidity, QM PMC, 7 October 2013 (no slides)
- A graph partition problem, QM CSG, 4 October 2013 (no slides)
- Homogeneous Cayley objects, Algebra, Combinatorics, Dynamics and
Applications (Belfast 2013):
- Permutation groups and transformation semigroups, Groups St Andrews 2013, 3-10 August 2013:
- Primitivity (Combinatorics, Algebra and More, 8 July 2013):
- Synchronization, graph homomorphisms, and combinatorics, 24th British Combinatorial Conference, 2 July 2013:
- Permutation groups and transformation semigroups, Novi Sad Algebraic
Conference, 5 June 2013: slides
- Mathematics: The next generation,
LMS-Gresham lecture, Museum of London LT, 14 May 2013:
video of the lecture
- Derangements, Pure Mathematics Colloquium, 18 April 2013:
- 44th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory
and Computing, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 8 March 2013
- Synchronization and graph endomorphisms
- Orbital versions of some graph parameters:
Algorithmic aspects of synchronization, Queen Mary Algorithms Day,
20 February 2013: slides
- Algebraic properties of chromatic roots,
Australian and New Zealand Mathematics Colloquium, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2008:
- Permutation groups and synchromizing automata,
Bridging the Gaps, 7 November 2008:
- Synchronization and homomorphisms (Statistics, Mathematics, Computation
and Biometry, Lisbon, 22 July 2008):
- The profile of a relational structure (INI workshop on Combinatorial
and Probabilistic Inequalities, 24 June 2008):
- Sum-free sets and shift automorphisms (CICADA workshop, 20 May 2008):
- Cores, hulls and synchronization (ROGICS'08, Mahdia, Tunisia, 12 May
2008): slides
- From Higman-Sims to Urysohn: a random walk through groups, graphs,
designs and spaces, Ambleside, 25 August 2007:
- Optimal designs and root systems, BCC, Reading, 13 July 2007:
- Gregynog Mathematics Colloquium, 22-23 May 2007:
- Oligomorphic permutation groups: growth rates and algebras:
- Counting orbits on colourings and flows:
- Derangements and p-elements in permutation groups, Group Theory
and Applications, Manchester, 14 February 2007:
- Sudoku: an alternative history, talk to the Archimedeans, 2 February 2007:
- Symmetry in mathematics and mathematics of symmetry, International
Symmetry Conference, Edinburgh, January 2007:
- Posets, homomorphisms and homogeneity,
Czech-Slovak Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and
Applications, 10 July 2006: slides
- The Rado graph and the Urysohn space,
Reading Combinatorics Conference, 18 May 2006:
- Automorphism groups of homogeneous structures,
Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, Southampton, 19 April 2006:
- Su Doku and mathematics, Induction lecture,
Queen Mary, September 2005
- Counting, structure and symmetry,
NZIMA/ACCMCC conference, December 2004
- The Rado graph and the Urysohn space, New
Zealand Mathematics Colloquium, December 2004
- Designs on the Web, Computer Science, Royal
Holloway, 26 October 2004
- Cyclic automorphisms of homogeneous
structures, EMS Joint Weekend, Prague, September 2004
- Finite geometry and permutation groups: some
polynomial links, Segre memorial meeting, Roma, June 2004
- Random Latin squares, RAND-APX, Oxford,
December 2003
- Permutations and codes, Bled, June 2003
- The countable homogeneous poset, Leeds,
April 2003
- Slides on Discrete Mathematics
in the undergraduate curriculum, 2003
- How big is the symmetric group?, PGGT2002,
Birmingham, April 2002
- Polynomials associated with permutation groups,
matroids and codes
- Random strongly regular graphs?, COMB01,
Barcelona, September 2001
- Association schemes and permutation
groups, LMS Durham Symposium, July 2001
- Multi-letter Youden rectangles from quadratic
forms, British Combinatorial Conference, July 2001
- Codes (London Mathematical
Society Popular Lecture, June-July 2001)
- Elusive groups and the polycirculant
conjecture, Barcelona, February 2001
- Orbits on n-tuples, Computation, Models
and Groups, Cambridge, January 2001
- The random graph revisited (composite of talks
at Australian Mathematical Society meeting and European Congress of
Mathematics, July 2000)
- Codes, matroids and trellises
(Combinatorics2000, Gaeta, May 2000)
- Quantum error correction (MathFIT meeting,
QMW, 5 April 2000)
- J. J. Seidel
(Seidel birthday meeting, Oisterwijk, August 1999)
- Permutations
(Erdös memorial conference, Budapest, July 1999)
- Some bridges between codes and designs
(23ACCMCC, Brisbane, July 1998)
- Some counting problems related to permutation
groups (FPSAC, Toronto, June 1998)
- Fisher and Bose, Hamming and Golay
(Reading colloquium, May 1998)
- An algebra related to enumeration
(CALCA, Oakland, May 1998)
Apart from the last batch, theseare either the Beamer slides of the talks or versions
made with the handout option to Beamer, which simply ignores pauses
and produces one page per frame. My default Beamer font is Palatino, using the
mathpazo package.
Print versions can be produced as follows. If the output from the screen
version is called x1.pdf, then run pdflatex on the following
input file:
noautoscale=true,scale=0.7,delta=0mm 5mm]{x1.pdf}
This puts the first slide on the front page and the others 3 rows and 2 columns
per page.
Note that the filename occurs twice!
If you don't have a handout version of the slides, note the numbers of the
last slide of each frame and put the list of these numbers in place of 2-last.
Peter J. Cameron
10 February 2025